20 May 2020, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services Exp. Dr. Orhan Koç; Explained That Transparency and Information Access Are Very Important in The Pandemic Process

After the official announcement of the first case in Turkey, he said that all provincial directorates are fighting the process quickly and effectively and immediately creating a Tracking Monitoring Unit.

The pandemic process was evaluated by meeting with disabled NGO Representatives online under the coordination of Uzm Dr. Orhan Koç.

8 Disabled NGO Representatives Interviewed at the Same Time

The meeting was attended by representatives of The Turkish Autism Assembly, Down Syndrome Association, Turkish Dyslexia Foundation, Turkey Spastic Children's Foundation, ODFED, Confederation of Hearing Impaired, National Federation of Hearing Impaired People of Turkey, Health and Social Services Association at Home.

'We attach great importance to transparency'

Providing information about the disabled and elderly service centers of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services at the meeting, Koç said that after the official announcement of the first case in Turkey, they have created a Tracking Monitoring Unit in all Provincial Directorates to combat the process quickly and effectively.

Detailed information about the operations of social insulation organizations and the tests applied to personnel in shift change were shared.

Process Goes Very Painful for Disabled Individuals and Their Families

The Covid-19 pandemic process was painful for individuals with disabilities and families, ngo representatives shared their problems in the area. Fulya EKMEN, a representative of the Down Syndrome Association, noted the problems experienced during the pandemic process to reduce information about the measures taken by individuals with intellectual disabilities during the covid 19 process. He also stated the difficulties caused by the lack of accompaniment during the treatment process for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families.

GÜRLEYİk, a representative of the Turkish Spastic Children's Foundation, emphasized that the remote education system is not very suitable for children in special need, and said that they are trying to support families through individualized program videos.

TOKAR, a representative of the Turkish Dyslexia Foundation, stated that families and especially mothers are very worn out in this process and support families online and expressed the importance of psycho-social support services for families.

Online Education Programme should be pepared for the Hearing Impaired

Orkun USTUKARCI, a representative of the Confederation of Hearing Impaired, stressed that it is not enough to translate the distance trainings given under eba with Sign Language, and that the content should be prepared and translated for the hearing impaired.

Language Medical Personnel Important

 Bulent TEKIN, a representative of the National Federation of Hearing Impaired in Turkey, said that protective equipment such as masks, visor glasses etc. causes hearing impaired people to experience communication problems, especially in health services, and stated the importance of medical personnel who know sign language.

Ergin GÜNGÖR, a representative of the Federation of Autism Associations, drew attention to the known loss cases of autism in individuals. In addition, he stressed the importance of social service measures in the participation of individuals with autism in all areas of social life.

Zeynep ACEROĞLU, a representative of the Association of Health and Social Services at Home (EVSAD), said that they help educate the needs of the disabled and elderly identified and that they support them through The Vefa Social Support Group.  EVSAD representative Orhan KARAGÖZ emphasized the importance of helping patients and disabled people and touching their lives by following the social distance rule and measures to prevent the Covid-19 virus.

At the end of the meeting, Uzm. Dr. Orhan Koç stated that the studies were carried out meticulously and that planning was made for the work to be carried out after the process and emphasized that the opinions conveyed by the Representatives of the NGO are also very important.

After the presentation of Orhan Koç, General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services, ngo representatives said they were very pleased to be informed about the measures taken, and said that the policy being followed was very impressive.