12 May 2020, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

General Director of Disability and Elderly Services, Exp. Dr. Orhan Koç, The Elderly Disabled Citizens Announced that All Kinds of Assistance was Done during Covid-19 Pandemi.

Orhan Koç, General Director of Disability and Elderly Services, conducted a Webinar on "Covid-19 in Disabled and Elderly".

Work on the Covid-19 outbreak under the influence of our country is continuing rapidly. Especially for our elderly and disabled people over the age of 65 with high risk factors, the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services has immediately introduced a series of measures, with the Ministry of Disability and Elderly Services all over Turkey, taking various measures to ensure that no one is victimized in this process, along side elderly and disabled people who have to stay at home.

In this context, general manager uzm. A webinar was organized under the coordination of Exp.Dr. Orhan KOÇ on 'Covid-19 in the Disabled and Elderly'.

Exp. Dr. Orhan Koç gave enlightening statistical information first to the studies carried out so far at the meeting, then summarized other studies.Yapılan toplantıda Exp. Dr. Orhan Koç’un değindiği konular şöyledir:

Moral motivation activities (live music, etc.) were held in organizations serving the elderly and disabled.

It has been stated that our elderly are not victimized in any way regarding nursing home applications, the hospitality services are served at the end of the pandemic process.

In this process, people over 65 years of age who have restrictions on curfews during the Covid-19 pandemic process by the Provincial Directorates of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, those who undertake the care of disabled people, relatives of martyrs and veterans, relatives of martyrs and veterans, guardian families, those who come from abroad and are quarantined, their relatives and those who need them and those who demand psychosocial support services were provided.

Individuals over the age of 65 were given morale by telephone by the professional staff.

Academic publication prepared for data analysis has been started for those of our elderly who remain in nursing homes and have chronic diseases diagnosed as covid-19.

After pandemic, it is stated that daytime life centers serving disabled and elderly individuals will be opened

It has been stated that Social Service Units will be created at home for individuals over 65 years old within the scope of Vefa Project

YADES project or municipalities continue to support individuals over the age of 65 within the scope of their services on a variety of issues.

Trt was contacted within the scope of remote informative training activities for the families of individuals with disabilities for informational purposes at certain times, but it was preferred to be explained by adding to existing programs rather than having a special program content. It is stated that a protocol will be signed with TRT soon.

In order to give disabled individuals a habit of cleaning, information videos will be taken with the participation of famous names. 

On the other hand, academicians and NGO representatives who participated in the program expressed their opinions and suggestions regarding the services of our Ministry.

Especially as a result of the measures taken in our disabled and elderly organizations; Covid-19 pandemic sits in the number and proportion of cases compared to other countries, expressing that our country has seen success and expressed active support for the services to be offered in and after the Covid-19 process.