28 March 2023, Tuesday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Focus Group Meeting on the II. National Action Plan for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2023-2030) Draft was held

A focus group meeting on the II. National Action Plan for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2023-2030) Draft" was held online on March 28, 2023 with the contributions and participation of the General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, public institutions, civil society organizations operating in autism and academicians working in the field.

 As the focal institution in disability, the Ministry of Family and Social Services General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly continues to work for persons with autism spectrum disorders and their families without slowing down.

Building an inclusive society where persons with autism spectrum disorders can realize their potential as equal citizens within the framework of a rights-based understanding, encouraging their participation in social life without discrimination in integrated environments, and improving service delivery at central and local levels, the National Action Plan for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders for 2023-2030 is being implemented.

In the II. National Action Plan for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2023-2030) prepared by the Ministry by revealing the special working approach for special groups;

9 objectives, 9 targets, 28 action areas and 74 activities to achieve the targets have been identified, including the following,

  • Increasing Social Acceptance and Awareness,
  • Providing Data-Based Monitoring by Generating Statistics,
  • Strengthening the Early Diagnosis, Follow-Up and Treatment Programs,
  • Strengthening the Individual and the Family with Effective Social Work and Social Assistance Models,
  • Supporting Scientifically Researched and Developed Studies,
  • Strengthening Special Education and Supplementary Special Education Services,
  • Creating Open, Inclusive and Accessible Labor Markets and Working Environments for the Realization of the Right to Work,
  • Supporting Participation in Sportive, Artistic and Cultural Activities,
  • Developing a Monitoring System Based on Cooperation and Coordination,

The focus group meeting was attended by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, TUBITAK, General Directorate of Turkish Employment Agency, Turkish Statistical Institute, the Republic of Türkiye Measurement, Selection and Placement Center, the Republic of Türkiye Vocational Qualifications Authority, academics working in the field of disability, and Turkish Autism Council (TOM), Sobe Foundation, Tohum Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation.