10 February 2020, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

First-Time Individualization Experience Winning Visually Impaired Individuals Graduation Joy

Visually impaired individuals who gained life skills for 5 and a half months at the Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center in Yenimahalle, Ankara, experienced the joy of graduation. Dozens of visually impaired trainees who gained experience of individualization for the first time received their diplomas prepared in braille alphabet. The ceremony was attended by, General Director of Disability and Elderly Services. Exp.Dr. Orhan KOÇ, Yenimahalle Governor Selda DURAL, Disabled and Elderly Services Deputy General Director Faik YILDIRIM and Önal İNALTEKİN, MofFLSS Ankara Deputy Provincial Director Fatih KOCUR, Saray Rehabilitation Center Director Bekir DEMİRYILMAZ and relatives of visually impaired trainees attended.

Yenimahalle Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Family Work and Social Services, prepares disabled individuals from all over Turkey to life. Visually impaired citizens who have experience of individualization for the first time in their lives, have self-confidence and have the knowledge and equipment to continue their lives and graduate from the course at the end of 5 and a half months.

69th semester graduates received their diplomas in a ceremony. Diplomas were created in braille alphabet to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. The trainees who received their diploma experienced great joy. At the graduation ceremony, the theatre and music show prepared by visually impaired individuals was the scene of colorful moments.

Digital Transformation Symposium for the Visually Impaired will be held in Istanbul

 Providing his diploma to graduate trainees, Exp. Md. Orhan KOÇ said: We want to increase the capacity of this organization. We will hold a digital transformation symposium this year, we have previously held a digital transformation symposium for the disabled, we have held a digital transformation symposium for the visually impaired, and now we will organize symposiums for the visually impaired in Istanbul.

"I couldn't even go get bread, so now I can go on my own and buy my clothes, and i can buy my bread, now it's okay."

Stating that she came to receive education from Canakkale, visually impaired trainee Alev DUMAN said, "I am very happy that we are graduating here now, and I am a little sad because we will leave our teachers. I've learned a lot of things so far, for example, people who can't even go out, have human self-esteem, and I've got friends like me, we've learned very nice things on the computer, in the power plant, and in the same way that I've learned a lot of things That I didn't know how to make cake pouch before. I didn't have a social life because we were in the village environment, i didn't even have a social life, I couldn't even go to the market to buy bread right now, so it's okay that I can go to the market on my own and buy my clothes on my own.

My teachers are incredibly good. We have sisters who help us in the morning, they take great care of us in the morning, we have sisters who teach us a lot of things about bed correction, and when I go, I will recommend this place to our friends in Canakkale because our very nice place teachers are also valuable from each other. They're very interested in us, and it's a great honor and pride for us to pick us up and take us here. My dress was a Çanakkale-specific outfit, and they were fashion show. A local outfit is unique to Canakkale. I wore this today with the permission of my teachers. I said that there's a change in color," She said.

"When I got here, I learned about life"

Halil ibrahim, a 20-year-old visually impaired trainee who stated that he socialized through the course, said, "I learned to fold clothes here, I learned how to clean. Thanks to this place, I learned to go out on the street. First, Thank god and then my teachers. Thanks to all my teachers, they worked hard. They tried. I started going out, I started discovering new friends. I've become friends. When I got here, I learned about life. May my Lord allow them to relieve their troubles in this world and the afterlife, thanks to our teachers here. He's very interested, teachers. The student is given a very good time," he said.

About Center Regulation on The Care, Rehabilitation and Family Counseling Services of the Social Services and Child Protection Agency No. 27691 dated September 3, 2010 and no. 27691 prepared within the framework of Law No. 2828 of Yenimahalle Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center rehabilitation and training services to visually impaired individuals who have exceeded the compulsory education age according to their principles. The expenses of the organization, which provides boarding and day-to-day services to the whole country, are covered by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, The General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services.

In order to facilitate the harmony of individuals to life and to help them solve the psychological and social problems caused by disability, trainees are brought to social life. In this special educational institution, which has 2 in Turkey, trainees of all ages can receive training. The center, which provides education in 7 areas, welcomes 60 students a year. Students over the age of 15 from 81 provinces can also remain as boarders. At the end of the course, individuals who succeed are given a certificate of achievement approved by the Ministry of National Education. Individuals who complete their training are employed in various fields.