19 November 2019, Tuesday Bursa, TURKEY

"Elderly Welfare Regional Seminar" was held in Bursa

On the announcement of Presidential 2019 as the 'Year of the Elderly' the" Elderly Welfare Regional Seminar" was held on Thursday, November14th, 2019 in Bursa by the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services.

Bursa "Elderly Welfare Regional Seminar" was held onThursday, November 14, 2019. Avni ÖZKAYA, Deputy Governor Yalçın BULUT, Bursa Family, Labor and Social Services Provincial Director Hasan YILMAZ, Yalova Provincial Director Faruk UYSAL, Kutahya Provincial director Omer TURAN, Deputy Provincial Director, Bilecik, Kutahya, Yalova provinces,  200 people from the representatives of the official and private organizations working in the fields of old age participated.

With the Mass Aged Welfare Seminars, Participants' Sensitivity and Personal Development in The Field of Old Age Are Provided

Expert Ipek KELBAS, who works at the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services, gave a presentation on "Old Age, Quality of Life and Elderly Rights", "Elderly Welfare, Poverty and Social Assistance Services". Expert Rümeysa CEYLAN "Day Service Model", Family and Community Services General Directorate Of Social Research and Policy Development Department Deputy Chairman Dr. Yasemin ESEN presented data on family members who are involved in elderly care according to differences in family structures under the heading "Role of family in Old Age".

In the afternoon session of the program, Associate Professor Dr. Meliha KASAPOĞLU gave presentations on "Fear of Falling in Fragile Elderly, Physical Exercise", Dr. Sinay ÖNEN on "Elderly Mental Health" and Dr. Betül Fatma AKAÇ on "Health Care in Home Care". The "Elderly Welfare Regional Seminar", where aging is inevitable andminimizing the negative effects of physiological changes in the ageing province, maintaining independent daily life activities in advanced life with a healthy life process and statistical data, was followed with interest by experts working in the field, NGO representatives and private sector representatives. Fortheir participation and contributions, the speakers were presented with the certificate of the saplings donated by the Provincial Directorate of Bursa on their behalf.

Sample Project: "We Overcome Obstacles with Agriculture"

After the Elderly Welfare Seminar, Avni ÖZKAYA, Deputy General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services, and his companions visited the Greenhouse created in conjunction with Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Directorate within the scope of the "We Overcome  Obstacles with Agriculture" Project to provide the rehabilitation of the disabled people who remain in the private care centers located in the garden of Hürriyet High School Agriculture High School. After the visit of the greenhouse, Celal Sönmez Günlü  Care Rehabilitation and Family  Counseling  Center, which was built on an area of7.898 m2,and Hasan Öztimur Nursing Home  Aged  Care Rehabilitation Center, which is located on an area of  6.234 m2,were visited. A meeting of value was held with the participation of the Directors of the Organization.