07 November 2019, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

Dyslexia Awareness Symposium Discusses the Problems and Expectations of Dyslexia Individuals

Dyslexia Awareness Symposium organized by the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services was held in the ATO Assembly Hall on November 6, 2019.

An awareness symposium was organized in the ATO Assembly Hall by the General Directorate Disability and Elderly Services and Dyslexia Learning Difficulties Association to mark 'World Dyslexia Week' which was celebrated between 1-7 NOVEMBER tarives.

Although the person is at normal or superior intelligence level, dyslexia, which causes problems with reading, writing and language skills, is often observed as a reading disorder. Most of the individuals with this difficulty can alsoexperience attentiondeficits and hyperactivity. It is especially important to apply early diagnosis and proper training methods related to dyslexia.

On November 25 2015 the first Dyslexia workshop, Dyslexia Awareness Public Spotlight was created in September 2017, May 2016 dyslexia workshop, scenario training, documentary study and short film competition were organized in collaboration with the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services and Dyslexia Learning Difficulties Association.  November 1-7 was recognized as Dyslexia Awareness Week by the European Dyslexia Association, which is a member of 27countries.

November 1-7 dyslexia awareness week; Poster brochure work in 81 provinces, public spot work that will return on the public transport screen (Public spot of 2 017 with the logo of ourMinistry), on November 6, 2019, in the morning session of families, in the afternoon session for professionals in a total of two sessions for professionals, the symposium events were held in the Assembly Hall of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce.