06 November 2019, Wednesday İstanbul, TURKEY

Disabled People Gain Skills in Free-To-Be

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services is carrying out studies that prioritize the rights of disabled people and their families and provide support for the independent life skills of disabled people. In this context, it is aimed to spread day-night service facilities free of charge for disabled and disabled familiesacross the country.

With the guidance of master educators in the centers, daily life programs are applied to the disabled entiers with various activities accompanied by professional staff and medicalpersonnel. In order to develop the hand skills of the disabled, work is carried out with the help of master educators assigned by the public education directorates.

Families who care for both the disabled and the disabled at home benefit free of charge from the centers where they are to be employed by providing skills to the disabled. The centers, which are planned to be expanded across the country. Families can participate more actively in social life In the centers, studies are carried out by physical education teachers to enable children with loss of adult age to engage in activities for sports activities. Children's self-care and academic skills are being developed by child development specialist staff.

Children with disabilities in the center, including sleeping rooms, participatein many activities such as music and painting workshop, theatre, folk dances, drama, marbling, sightseeing, picnic, shopping. In the centers where care is provided by certified careers, counseling services are provided to families withdisabilities. Families with children with disabilities can spend time and participate more actively in social life thanks to the centers where disabled people receive day care and rehabilitation services. Thedisabled people who are not trained because they have completed the age of 24 who receive special education guidance, who receive special education guidance, who are going to schools affiliated with the Ministry of NationalEducation, also benefit from the centers free of charge.