15 September 2021, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services: “We Have Started Works for 9 Barrier-Free Day Care Centres to Enter into Service This Year”

Minister of Family and Social Services, Derya YANIK; remarking that Day Care Centres have a significant function regarding persons with disabilities to live their lives primarily alongside their families, said: “Our main purpose is to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in social life more actively while protecting the integrity of families which include persons with disabilities.”

 Minister reminding that Day Care Centres have been generalised throughout the country since 2018, said: “We provide day care service with 127 Day Care Centres totally in 76 provinces by this year. Also our works continue to put Day Care Centres in Antalya, Aydın, Adana, Bursa, Mersin, Kars, Yalova, and 2 in İstanbul, in total 9, into operation in this year. We continue to generalise Day Care Centres model.”

“Persons with disabilities benefit from daily life programmes with various activities.”

 Minister Derya YANIK said that persons with disabilities benefit from daily life programmes with various activities in company with qualified instructors, professional personnel, medical personnel at the events halls which were classified by age and disability groups. Minister stated that persons with disabilities are able to benefit from opportunities such as agricultural rehabilitation, occupational workshops, music workshops, drawing workshops, sport activities, theatre, music, folk dances, drama, marbling, and hydrotherapy with the purpose of physical rehabilitation.

 What is Day Care Service?

Day Care Service has been actualized in order to ensure increasing the quality of life of persons with disabilities and contributing to their active participation in social life. At 127 Day Care Centres throughout the country day care service for different disability groups - mental disabilities, physical disabilities, and persons with autism – depending on the need of the province is provided. Within the context of day care service, persons with disabilities are able to benefit from Day Care Centres up to 40 hours a week.

At the Day Care Centres practices such as acquiring self-care skills, music, drawing, handicrafts take place. With the practices provided at the centres, it is aimed to protect daily life skills of persons with disabilities by supporting them mentally and sensually and to diminish negative effects caused by disability. Also counselling, guidance services, solidarity and elucidating plans are carried out for families of persons with disabilities. There is no temporary institutional care service at the Day Care Centres.