06 April 2022, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services: “We have increased our support for private public buses and sea transportation vehicles”

Income support payments to vehicles providing public transportation services have been increased within the scope of the free travel right enjoyed by persons with disabilities, old persons, relatives of martyrs and veterans. Derya YANIK, Minister of Family and Social Services, stating that the regulation change regarding the increase was published in the Official Gazette, said: “In this context, we increased the monthly allowance of 1,330 TL for each transportation vehicle providing urban public transportation services in Ankara and Istanbul to 1,995 TL, and from 1000 TL to 1,500 TL in other provinces with metropolitan municipalities.”
The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Payment of Income Support to be made within the Scope of Free Travel, prepared by the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, was published in the Official Gazette.
Making a statement on the subject, Minister Derya YANIK reminded that old persons aged 65 and over, holders of a disability report of 40 percent or more, relatives of martyrs and veterans benefit from the right to free travel, and said: “We increased the monthly income allowance payment to the owners of private city buses and sea transportation vehicles that carry persons with disabilities, old persons, relatives of martyrs and veterans free of charge. With the change we made, the monthly allowance of 1000 TL for each private sea transportation vehicle providing urban public transportation service has increased to 1,500 TL, and the monthly allowance of 1,330 TL for each transportation vehicle providing urban public transportation service in Ankara and Istanbul metropolitan municipalities has increased to 1,995 TL. In metropolitan provinces, the monthly allowance of 1000 TL for each transportation vehicle providing urban public transportation services has been increased to 1,500 TL, and the monthly allowance of 800 TL for each transportation vehicle providing urban public transportation services in provinces without metropolitan municipalities has been increased to 1,200 TL.”
Minister YANIK emphasizing that they determined the basic framework of the policies and services they developed for persons with disabilities, old persons, relatives of martyrs and veterans, with the perspective of social inclusion, rights-based approach, active and healthy aging, said: "Last year, we transferred an appropriation of 222 million 648 thousand TL within the framework of income support payments within the scope of free travel right. In this context, we have paid a total of 1 billion 278 million 41 thousand TL since 2015, including February 2022. As the Ministry, we aim to maintain the quality of our services by considering the current need.”