06 December 2021, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services: “We are Strengthening the Disability Rights Monitoring and Evaluation Board”

Derya YANIK, Minister of Family and Social Services, said that they will strengthen the Disability Rights Monitoring and Evaluation Board, which aims to bring together all ministries, relevant public institutions and senior representatives of disability organizations in order to ensure strong coordination on the rights of the persons with disabilities.

Derya YANIK, Minister of Family and Social Services, stated that with the new circular published in the Official Gazette on 3 December 2021, the Council will assume a more effective function within the Presidential System. Noting that they aim for the Board to become a mechanism where organizations are represented in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Minister YANIK said: “We have given the Board a primary function in which the problems of the disabled will be evaluated, solutions to these problems will be discussed, and inter-institutional cooperation and coordination will be ensured.”.

Legislative studies will be conducted and recommendations will be made

 Minister of Family and Social Services, YANIK, stated that with the new circular, they aim for the Board to carry out legislative studies on the protection and development of the rights of the persons with disabilities, and to make recommendations regarding the measures that can be taken in cases of rights violations.

Problems in the field of disability will be evaluated at the highest level and solutions will be produced for these problems.

 Minister YANIK underlining that the Board has the duty to prepare strategy documents and action plans for the development and strengthening of the rights of the persons with disabilities, and to express opinions to those who are prepared, said: “The council will include high-level representatives of all ministries and the two most representative confederations in the field of disability nationwide. With the functioning of the Board, the problems in the field of disability will be evaluated at the highest level and solutions will be found for these problems.”