16 September 2021, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services: “Home Care Support Allowance, 968 Million TL, for Citizens with Disabilities Who Need Care and Their Families Has Begun”

Minister YANIK, emphasizing that supporting persons with disabilities, who need care, alongside their families is one of the priority targets, said: “We practice our policies regarding our citizens in accordance with our family-based social service vision. We, also, support our citizens who cannot work since they take care of their relatives with disabilities, who need care, by means of home care support.”

Minister YANIK, who reminded that 1797 lira 97 kurus allowance is provided per person, monthly within the context of home care support, stated: “Today, we are starting Home Care Support Allowances, 968 million TL in total, for citizens with disabilities who need care and their families. Allowances will be completed until 20 September. I wish the allowances will be beneficial for all our citizens with disabilities.