24 February 2020, Monday Aydın, TURKEY

Day Care Centers are Spreading Across the Country

In our country, which has been in the aging process in the last 10 years, the proportion of the elderly population in the total population reached the highest point in its history with 9.1% as of 2019. This demographic phenomenon requires steps to be taken to implement day time service models that are less costly for elderly care, which will allow elderly individuals to age actively without being separated from their social circles.

Taking into account our country's aging data, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services cares about the implementation of various services in cooperation with local governments, NGOs and legal entities. Within this framework, a total of 161 elderly day care centers are active, including 30 Elderly Day Care Centers, 127 affiliated to municipalities and 3 affiliated to non-governmental organizations, 3 of which are affiliated with the Ministry of Ministry, 3 independent and 27 affiliated to organizations throughout the country to provide daytime services to elderly individuals.

It is aimed to improve the living environment of the elderly, help daily life activities and provide social, physical and psychological support services, especially through elderly day care centers, which are commissioned to support elderly people who cannot continue their home life alone, despite other support elements such as relatives alone or neighboring relatives.

Elderly day care centers, which allow healthy elderly people who live their lives at home with their family, relatives or alone to evaluate their free time, provide support services to the elderly, increase their activities and improve the quality of life of the elderly, especially with the issues they have difficulty meeting with their own means.

Model Organizations and Model Activities for Elderly Day Care in Aydın Germencik

 Cooperation between the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services and the Aymelek Association on day care services for the elderly has been going on since 2012. As an example of civil society cooperation, the ministry has been providing day care and support services to the elderly in Aydin Efeler since then, when the "Aymelek Association Elderly Day Care Center", which was first opened in 2012 and embodied with cooperation with the protocol signed on May 30, 2014, has been providing day care and support to the elderly.

As a result of the cooperation between the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services and Aymelek Association, which was strengthened by the success of the first elderly day care center, the second elderly day care center was launched in December 2019 in Germencik district of Aydin province. Within the scope of the protocol signed on December 3rd, 2019, services are carried out on a voluntary basis by 20 women, five of whom are in the management staff, at Aymelek Association Germencik Elderly Day Care Center, which started its services and set an example in supporting voluntary work in the community.

Aymelek Association Germencik Elderly Day Care Center, which started its activities in six neighborhoods of Germencik District of Aydin in order to provide day care for the elderly, hosts 10 elderly people every 4 days a week. Serving more than 150 elderly people during the monthly period, the center offers quran reading, needle play, literacy development, live music activities, etc. in accordance with the demands and wishes of elderly guests. Aymelek Association Germencik Elderly Day Care Center, which is covered by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, expresses that the elderly guests who benefit from the service, expressing their satisfaction with the service offered and saying that this service model should be expanded in other districts.