26 October 2020, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Current Turkish Sign Language Dictionary Accessed 2.7 Million Times from 86 Different Countries

2.7 million times access was provided to the Current Turkish Sign Language (TİD) Dictionary prepared by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services for hearing impaired individuals and citizens who want to learn sign language.

In 2017, the Ministry made the Current Turkish Sign Language Dictionary available http://tidsozluk.net/tr/ online and on its website. The dictionary is based on the Turkish Sign Language, obtained from 26 different provinces of Turkey and 116 TID native language talkers. All content in the dictionary, designed online based on video, is available in two different languages: Turkish Sign Language and Turkish. The dictionary's user base include different types of groups such as deaf students, TID learners, interpreters, special education teachers, researchers, and so on.

This dictionary in the compile-based property is made up of 2,000 words with the most frequency in the delection. Videos in the dictionary consisting of a total of 11,428 videos of three different types, including cue, meaning and example, were created with different background colors based on their type.

With two search engines, the user can find them in Turkish, Turkish or with the visual characteristics of the sign. Fast-speed tampering of the video and tid's new learners and goals. Sample video, the user's tym is also available for information.

The transcription and Turkish translation of all the words in these videos is targeted to contribute to Turkish learning for the deaf and TID learning for those who hear. The dictionary, which also has an English translation, has been reached a total of 2.7 million times since 2017 from 86 different countries.