29 November 2019, Friday Kırıkkale, TURKEY

Current Approaches in Palliative Care Symposium is Discussed the Development of Palliative Care Services with Services offered to disabled and elderly people in need of care

In cooperation with Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, Federation of Health and Social Services Associations and Palliative Health Services Association, the symposium on Current Approaches in Palliative Care was held on 27.11.2019 in Kırıkkale.

Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Federation of Health and Social Services Associations and Palliative Health Services Association in cooperation with Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine - 14 March Conference In Hall, a symposium on Current Approaches in Palliative Care was held on 27.11.2019.  Avni ÖZKAYA, Deputy General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, and Family Work and Social Services Specialist Betül TAMKOÇ attended the symposium.

Avni ÖZKAYA, Deputy Director General of Disability and Elderly Services at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, gave information in the opening speech of the symposium on Current Approaches in Palliative  Care, "Regarding the importance of developing palliative care services with the services offered to our elderly and elderly in need of care within the Ministry of Family, Labour and SocialServices". Deputy General Manager Avni ÖZKAYA also directed the session titled 'Important Points in Palliative Care'.