22 September 2021, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

Coronavirus Guidance Regarding Vaccination Process at the Institutions and the Measures to be Taken by Ministry of Family and Social Services

Ministry of Family and Social Services General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly prepared a coronavirus guidance for vaccination process at the public and private care institutions under the Ministry for persons with disabilities and the elderly and for measures to be taken during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The informational guidance is prepared to protect health of those who receive service and the personnel during and after vaccination process, about the measures to be taken by institutions during normalization process and procedures to ensure their safety. The Coronavirus Guidance, prepared for institutions, was sent to all provinces.

On the guidance it is stated that persons with disabilities, the elderly, and personnel at the institutions are vaccinated within the context of vaccination campaign started in February 2021. It is stated that first dose of vaccine was completed in February 2021 and the second was completed in March 2021, accordingly some implementations were ended during the normalization process, though some measures continue to be taken at all institutions.

It has been stated that third dose of vaccine has been completed at the care institutions for persons with disabilities and the elderly in July-August; and some measures at the institutions should be reminded and updated in addition to the measures taken in different fields of communal living while combat against pandemic continues.

All measures against Covid-19 will continue

According to the guidance all measures against Covid-19 such as mask, distance, and hygiene will continue during normalization process at the state and private care centres for persons with disabilities and the elderly, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centres.

All personnel will work at the same floor and on the same duty constantly within the bounds of possibility, so that a potential infection would be prevented at the state and private care institutions for persons with disabilities and the elderly, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centres.

Elucidating and Counselling will be provided in order to complete vaccination process

At all institutions for personnel, persons with disabilities and the elderly provisions of Circular No. 13807 dated 31.08.2021 of Ministry of Interior will be valid.

Persons with disabilities and the elderly, who have not completed their vaccination process, will be guided to complete, for those who have not started the process elucidating and counselling will be provided to eliminate their concern and hesitation about vaccination process, and they will be informed of Ministry of Health Covid-19 Vaccination Information Platform (covid19asi.saglik.gov.tr) and Provincial/District Health Boards.

For every positive case at the institution including personnel and residents, quarantine for 10 days and medication will be implemented. Treatment process of contact tracing team will be implemented and at the end of 10 days if the result of PCR test is negative quarantine will be over.

If the number of positive cases of Covid-19 including persons with disabilities, the elderly and personnel at the institution is more than 20 percent of the institution shifts will be arranged as 10 days with the decision of Provincial Public Hygiene Council. Shifts will be arranged as 10+10 not more than 20 days and at the end of 20 days PCR test will be conducted at the institution and normal shifts will be back. At the entries to the institution HES code will be controlled.

Visits will continue as it is deemed appropriate by institution

On the guidance it is reminded that visit restriction continue at all care institutions for persons with disabilities and the elderly and rehabilitation centres. Accordingly family members of the residents will be allowed to visit in a way and duration deemed appropriate by institution and digital and video calls will continue.

According to the guidance, regarding the distribution, transfer or settlement the condition that it has been more than 15 days after the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine and it can be proven with vaccination card or for those who are not vaccinated to submit PCR test and stay at the isolation room will be implemented.

Those who are vaccinated and whose PCR test result is negative will be accepted to the institution without isolation. For the distribution, transfer, or settlement to the institution HES code will be obligatory.