05 October 2021, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Consultation Meeting of Member States on Final Revision of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities

Consultation Meeting of Member States on Final Revision of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities Held Online on 30 September 2021
A reporting process for ‘Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities (2013-2022) which is the last one of the strategy documents accepted and implemented decennially by The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) with the purpose of protecting and developing rights of persons with disabilities in Asia-Pacific countries has been started by the UN.
A consultation meeting based in Bangkok was held in order to discuss technical processes with the countries which will contribute to reporting process started by UNESCAP of which our country is a member along with sixty two countries. Our Directorate General, focal institution for disability in our country, attended to the online meeting organized on 30 September 2021 between 05.00-08.30. At the meeting, where every country gave a speech, Tayyar KUZ, President of Department for Research, Development and Statistics, made a presentation for our country.
After the representatives of countries, representatives of UNESCAP made representations on the progress of the reporting process. Meeting ended question and answer session.
Following the meeting national reporting process will be carried out with the coordination of our Directorate General within the context of final reporting preparations of Strategy Document which is planned to be implemented and monitored with 10 aims, 27 purposes, and 62 indicators.