03 October 2022, Monday İstanbul, TURKEY

Basic Training on “Autism Spectrum Disorder” was provided

In cooperation with our General Directorate and the Department of Education and Publication, a basic training on "Autism Spectrum Disorder" was provided by the specialist trainers of the TOHUM Autism Foundation and the experts of our General Directorate for the professionals working with persons with autism working in our institutions.

Making the opening speech of the training program held between 26 - 29 September 2022, our Director General Elmas Esra Ceceli emphasized the importance of implementing programs in appropriate environments where persons with autism can be included in early diagnosis, educational support and social life.

Ceceli, our Director General, stated that as the Ministry, education and awareness activities on autism will continue without slowing down, the preparations for the Second National Autism Action Plan are continuing and it will be shared with the public as soon as possible.

Birsen Başar, a specialist with autism, whose thesis was selected as the thesis of the year by the Netherlands Autism Foundation in 2022, took part in the training program as a speaker. Birsen Başar expressed the problems faced by individuals with autism based on her own experiences. In her presentation, Başar underlined that in order to reduce the difficulties experienced by persons with autism in daily life, it is necessary to first understand what autism is. Emphasizing the importance of supporting families regarding autism, Başar expressed her satisfaction with the activities carried out by the Ministry of Family and Social Services on this issue.

During the program, which lasted for four days and was carried out with the participation of 112 professional staff, training was given on

The right approach to persons with disabilities

Communication with persons with autism spectrum disorder

Ensuring that individuals with autism gain communication skills

Persons with autism in adulthood

Ethics and professionalism in approaching individuals with special needs