28 April 2024, Sunday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Application Process for the Elderly Support Program have started

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş stated that application process for the Elderly Support Program (YADES 2024), evaluating the projects to be prepared by municipalities for the protection, support and facilitation of the lives of older persons, started and that the Ministry allocated 11.278.000 TL for YADES this year.

Göktaş stated that in a country where the proportion of older population reached 10.2 %, the Ministry continued its efforts to increase the number of services offered to older persons and to diversify them according to their needs. Göktaş said, “In this context, the Ministry continues its policy of supporting family-based active and healthy ageing with the YADES program. In the provision of services for older persons, the Ministry is expanding alternative preventive and protective service models such as home care and day care in addition to institutional care services. Moreover, there are projects to improve day care and home care support services, which are the primary choice of older persons and their relatives.”

“The Ministry has allocated 11.278.000  TL allowance this year”

Minister Göktaş stated that YADES, which started to be implemented in 2016 and continued with the funds transferred from the general budget, aimed to raise awareness in ageing and to support the participation of older persons in home environments and social life by mobilizing local dynamics:

“The Ministry has provided a total of 45 million TL financial support in 8 years to protect and support the citizens over the age of 65 and to facilitate the lives of those in need of care, pyshical and psychosocial support by providing the necessary care in the places of residence. In this context, the Ministry reached 128.691 older persons in 87.987 households with 74 projects carried out in 42 municipalities in 8 years. Applications for YADES 2024, in which new projects to be prepared by municipalities to protect, support and facilitate the lives of older persons will be evaluated, have started. “The Ministry has allocated 11.278.000 TL allowance for YADES this year”

Project proposals will be submitted to the governorates by June 3.

Noting that the funds allocated under the YADES 2024 program would be used for the projects to be prepared by the municipalities and proposed by the governorships within the scope of the procedures and principles determined by the Ministry, Göktaş stated that the duration of the projects to be prepared by the municipalities take one year, the approved projects would be implemented by the municipalities and the inspections would be carried out through the governorships.

Minister Göktaş said that municipalities applying for the program had to submit their project proposals to the governorates by 5:00 p.m. on June 3 at the latest.