19 December 2019, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

Ankara Held 14. Elderly Welfare Seminar discussed improving the quality of life of the elderly and ensuring the elderly's well-being

14.The Seminar on The Elderly Welfare; On December 18th, 2019, the Social Security Institution's Central Building was held in the Conference Hall in Ankara.

The first of the seminars scheduled to be held in 14 provinces was started in Ordu. The last one was the 14th meeting in Ankara. The Elderly Welfare  Seminar was attended by neither Eskisehir, Kirikkale, Kirsehir, Yozgat, Nevsehir, Kayseri, Karabuk provinces, Family, Labor and Social Services Provincial  Managersand staff, SGK, İşKUR, Provincial Health Managers, local government representatives, representatives of the relevant NGOs, public institutions and organizations and representatives of the units of our Ministry.

General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services, Md. Orhan KOÇ 14. In the opening speech of the Elderly Welfare Seminar, he noted the importance of bringing together scientists and staff working in thefield to improve the quality of corporate services. KOÇ said that the Regional Art Therapy Festival will be PTT AVM’ held.

General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services, In his speech, Md. Orhan KOÇ said: "Our organizations will be completing their shortcomings when we will reinforce the human resources

will be started. Modeling, diversifying, monitoring, measuring, and evaluating the service is important for us. It is important to provide quality service here." The seminar was attended by Durmuş Ali DALDALLI, Provincial Director of Family, Labour and Social Services in Ankara.

Ankara University LIFE Director Prof. Dr. Emine ÖZMETE Old Age,  Quality of Life and Elderly    Rights, Prof. Dr. Erguvan Tugba from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, SPECIAL KIZIL Elderly  Mental  Health,, Disabled and Elderly Services Deputy General Manager Avni ÖZKAYA  Day Service Model, Prof. Dr. Filiz CAN From Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Fear of Falling in Fragile Elderly,  Kırılgan Yaşlıda  Physical Exercise, Prof. Dr. Sevgi ARAS from Ankara University Medical Facultesesi, Health Services in Corporate  Care,   Family and Community Services General Directorate Expert Mehmet Fatih KILIÇ Family Role in Old Age, Poverty and Social Assistance  Services General Directorate Specialist Md. Pınar YAVUZKANAT,  Elderly Welfare,  Poverty, and Social Assistance Services give presentations.