25 November 2019, Monday Antalya, TURKEY

"Adult Youth" Peace Bocce League Final Ii 18-23 November 2019 Final in Antalya

Bocce League, which has been held since 2016 with the participation of the elderly living in nursing homes within the framework of the vision and policy goals of "Active  Aging" in the Strategy Plan of the Ministry of Family, Labour and SocialServices, was held in Antalya on 18-23 November 2019.

Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services Disability and Elderly Services Bocce sport, which was launched in 2016 in cooperation with bocce Bowling and Darts Federation in order to ensure that the elderly who remain in nursing homes by the General Directorate are physically, psycho-socially and emotionally supported through sports and have a good time, has taken the form of a professional league in our country today. In this context, 120 personnel working in the organizations were given coaching and refereeing training by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services in September 2016, and in 2018, 120 personnel were given coaching and refereeing training.

Providing active rest for the elderly and no Through Bocce sport, which does not risk injury, elderly people from different provinces are allowed to live more actively in a healthy and peaceful manner with competitions, tournaments and physical mobility organizations, and to come together in different provinces and to mingle with each other, and to set an example for children and young people.

"Adult Youth Peace Bocce League" 2019 Season was launched on April 29, 2019 at Ankara Çubuk Abidin Yilmaz Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Center Directorate.

The 2019 season of the "Adult Youth  Peace Bocce League"competitions are a record attendance, with 109 teams from 53 provinces with nursing homes and veterans teams.

Adult Youth Serenity Bocce League Finals; Held in Kemer/Antalya on 18-23 November 2019

Adult Youth Peace Bocce League Finals: 18-23 November 2019 was held in Antalya/Kemer. Organized with 20 referees working in the organizations of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, On November 22.

Adult Youth Huzur Bocce  Champion  Denizli Çivril Nursing Home, Kırsehir Kırşehir  nursing home bocce team was the 2nd place in this year's tournamentand  SHÇEK  Fethiye Municipality Nursing Home was 3rd. Relatives of Martyrs and Gazi Team, who participated in the finals from Yalova, were awarded the Honorary Award. In the coming years, adult youth peace is aimed at bringing an international identity to the Bocce Championship.