25 March 2023, Saturday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Accessibility Workshops: Web Accessibility Standards Trainings Organized

The 2-day training on Web Accessibility Standards was completed.

The information presented in the digital platforms such as websites, applications, videos, news, posters, etc. should also be accessible to persons with disabilities, and this information should be in an accessible format so that it can be understood by users with different characteristics. In this context, websites and mobile applications, which are the most important sources of information, should comply with accessibility standards.

Within the framework of this requirement, "Accessibility Workshops: Web Accessibility Standards Trainings" have been organized by the General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly within the framework of the goal of ensuring the accessibility and usability of information and communication technologies, especially the services offered in the digital field to be accessible in a format understandable by users with different characteristics.

The trainings, which started in 2020 and continued with ten workshops in 2021, were aimed at raising awareness on web accessibility. These online trainings were attended by 3.342 persons from more than 850 institutions, including the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities such as EMRA, BRSA, and Higher Judicial Bodies, Higher Education Council and Universities, as well as governorships, provincial directorates and municipalities.

Following these main trainings, technically advanced trainings on "WCAG 2.1" and "KAMIS Accessibility Principles" standards were organized in 2022. Two full days of "Accessibility Workshops: Web Accessibility Standards Training" were held on March 17, 2023, day 1 and March 24, 2023, day 2 for public institutions that could not participate previously.  

An important step has now been taken for the implementation of accessible public websites with the training.

The training was attended by 60 web designers, web developers, software developers, engineers and analysts working in the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Digital Transformation Office, Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Directorate of Communications, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Republic of Türkiye Court of Cassation, Republic of Türkiye Public Procurement Authority, Turkish Competition Authority, RTÜK, General Directorate of State Archives, Turkish State Meteorological Service, TÜBİTAK, Turkish Employment Agency, TÜRKSAT and TEDAŞ.