01 March 2022, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Accessibility Logo Presentation Ceremony and Online Meeting with 81 Provinces Has Been Held

Accessibility, which is the gateway to all services and is a necessity for everyone, especially persons with disabilities and the elderly, who have limited mobility and benefit from services, is now more visible.

Accessibility is a feature that should be applied by all institutions, organizations, private service providers, managers and technical professionals who design, approve and audit. It is of great importance to disseminate this very important and wide application area. It is necessary to provide incentives for practitioners to consider compliance with standards in planning, project design, construction, licensing and inspection activities, to increase the number of studies on the subject, and to increase the visibility of accessibility so that users have information about the place and service.

Based on this requirement, the Accessibility Logo to be used in our country will be used to show the buildings that are accessible for persons with disabilities, the use of open spaces, and the products that are accessible by public transport. In addition to physical access, the logo also covers access to information and communication technologies.

 The promotion ceremony for the accessibility logo, which was prepared by the Ministry of Family and Social Services in order to increase the visibility of "accessibility practices", which means independent and safe access to places and services, was held on 22.02.2022. At the Accessibility Logo Presentation Ceremony, the Logo was introduced with a press statement by Fatma ÖNCÜ, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services. Afterwards, an online meeting was held with a link to the promotion ceremonies held simultaneously in 81 provinces.

Connections were made to the meeting held under the management of Deputy Minister Fatma ÖNCÜ and General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, Orhan KOÇ, with ceremonies held by Provincial Directorates of Family and Social Services at provincial directorates and public institutions that have received accessibility certificates. A large number of governors and deputy governors, public institutions, municipalities and individuals attended the ceremonies for buildings, open spaces and public transportation vehicles, for which accessibility documents were given before, and the videos of hoisting the flag with the Accessibility Logo, hanging a sign with a logo at the building entrances and sticking a label with a logo on public transportation vehicles were watched.

In the meeting, which was connected with the provinces, the videos of the flag with the logo raised at the Provincial Directorate building in Adıyaman, the province with the most Accessibility Certificates for buildings, and Yozgat City Hospital, the first city hospital with an accessibility certificate, were watched. As an example of educational buildings that are of great importance for ensuring accessibility, the flag with the logo was hoisted at the İMKB Zernişan Vakkas Primary School building in Kırşehir, and then a sign with the logo was hung in the Emek Mustafa Mutlu Accessible Life Park, which is an exemplary park arrangement in Kütahya.

Flags with logos were also hoisted at the Courthouse in Erzurum, the Barrier-Free Life, Care, Rehabilitation and Family Counseling Centre of our Ministry in Kahramanmaraş, and the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Harran University, one of the universities in Şanlıurfa with many accessibility certificates. The images of Deniz Pharmacy, which has an accessibility certificate, as a gift and the label with the logo affixed to the entrance of the pharmacy, and the Özdilek Shopping Centre in Kocaeli, where a flag with the logo was presented, were watched at the meeting. The flag with the logo was hoisted in Memişağa Park in Rize, which is the province with the most documents for city parks.

In Konya, which is one of the provinces where accessibility certificates are issued for many rail systems in the field of transportation, the tram that has an accessibility certificate; At the meeting, images of attaching labels with logos to buses that received accessibility certificates in Isparta, the province where a large number of documents were issued for buses, and to minibuses that received accessibility certificates in Bingöl, the province that held the highest number of documents for minibuses, were watched at the meeting.