06 January 2020, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

About 11,000 Visually Impaired People Were Employed in Public

In Turkey, where there are 281,439 visually impaired peop le registered in the National Disability Data System of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, the number of visually impaired people employed in the public sector as of 2019 was 10,765.

Visually Impaired 10,765 of the 55 Thousand 196 Disabled People Employed in public

According to data from the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, 10,765 of the 55,196 disabled people
employed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens.

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is weremployed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is visuallemployed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is citizensemployed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is employed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is employed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is oemployed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is Famiemployed in the public sector were visually impaired citizens. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is working in many areas ranging from accessibility arrangements to rehabilitation and employment for visually impaired citizens.

According to National Disability Data System Data, 281,439 of the 281,439 Disabled People Are Visually Impaired Of the 2.5 milli on disabled people in the Ministry's National Disability Data System, 281,439 are on record as visually impaired.

As of 2019, 10,765 of the 55,196 disabled people employed in the public sector in Turkey are visually impaired.

The ministry is conducting tra ining and rehabilitation programs at Istanbul Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center and Ankara Yenimahalle Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center for individuals who have lost their sight or have severe visual impairment. Visually impaired people are gi ven trainings on independent living and mobility techniques for 6months in these centers without the need for someone else's help, and their adaptation to social life and psychological rehabilitation services are provided. The visually impaired are also supported professionally in rehabilitation centers. 4,548 trainees successfully completed their vocational training in the cen ters and received certificates.

Transformation Workshop for the Visually Impaired will be held

"Digital Transformation Workshop for the Visually Impaired" is planned in the first half of 2020 under the leadership f the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services. The workshop will focus on new technologies that are of great importance for the education of the visually impaired and their ability to act independently in their social lives.