25 February 2022, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

A Workshop on Strengthening Participation in Decision-Making Mechanisms within the Scope of the Disability Rights National Action Plan was Held

The workshop on “Strengthening Participation in Decision-Making Mechanisms” was held online as part of the preparatory workshops for the National Action Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The thirteenth preparatory workshop was held online with the participation of approximately 80 representatives from non-governmental organizations operating in the field of disability on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, with the title of 'Strengthening Participation in Decision-Making Mechanisms', within the scope of the preparation of the vision document and action plan, which will be a common roadmap showing the state's total approach in order to ensure that persons with disabilities can benefit from all their rights together with other individuals.

It is envisaged that the 2030 Barrier-Free Vision Document will be implemented with 3-year action plans.

General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ gave information about the 2030 Barrier-Free Vision Document announced by President Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2021 in his opening speech. KOÇ emphasized that the 2030 Barrier-Free Vision Document will serve to shape these studies with a common denominator and to make them more systematic and traceable in order to ensure that the issue of disability is handled with an inclusive approach and observed in policies and programs. KOÇ stated that Barrier-Free Vision Document will be a road map for all parties of the society for legal, institutional and practical actions in the field of disability until 2030. Noting that the 2030 Barrier-Free Vision Document, which was prepared with the contribution and participation of all relevant public institutions and organizations and civil society organizations operating in the field of disability, is envisaged to be implemented with 3-year action plans, KOÇ stated that this meeting was held within the scope of the preparations of the first 3-year Disability Rights National Action Plan.

Within the scope of the preparations of the National Action Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 12 workshops have been held so far.

Mentioning that 12 workshops have been held so far within the scope of the preparations of the National Action Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ underlined that this Workshop, in which the draft activities determined to realize the goals set in the 2030 Barrier-Free Vision Document regarding the participation of individuals with disabilities and civil society organizations operating in this field in decision-making mechanisms, will be discussed, was held with the participation of individuals with disabilities, as in all studies carried out in the field of disability. Emphasizing that in the development of policies in this field, persons with disabilities do not sit at the table without themselves or their representatives, KOÇ concluded his speech by thanking all the representatives of civil society organizations participating in the Workshop for their contribution and participation.

Speaking after General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ, Head of Research, Development and Statistics Department Tayyar KUZ shared detailed information about the Disability Rights National Action Plan and started the negotiation process for the evaluation of the draft activities in the Action Plan by civil society organizations. The workshop ended with the CSO representatives' evaluation of the draft activities and their presentation of problems and solutions in the field of disability.