16 December 2021, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

A Cooperation Protocol in the Field of Elderly Care was signed between the General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly and the Yüksek İhtisas University

A Cooperation Protocol was signed between Yüksek İhtisas University and our General Directorate for the Determination of Common Educational Strategies and Policies in the Field of Elderly Care.

A cooperation protocol was signed between the Ministry of Family and Social Services, General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly, and Yüksek İhtisas University, in order to determine common education strategies and policies to ensure that elderly care services are carried out regularly, effectively and efficiently.

To the signing ceremony held under the auspices of Fatma ÖNCÜ, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services, General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ, Rector of Yüksek İhtisas University Prof. Dr. Mustafa PAÇ, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Haydar ŞAHİNOĞLU, Deputy Dean of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Mevlüde KARADAĞ and Project Office and Continuing Education Center Coordinator Gürsin GÜRKAN attended.

With the protocol, it is aimed to determine common education strategies and policies in order to ensure that elderly care services are carried out in a regular, effective and efficient manner, to create an application area for the University to continue its professional practice, internship and research services in its current education programs, and to ensure mutual coordination and multi-faceted cooperation on related issues; the framework, conditions and obligations of the parties were determined.

The areas of cooperation with the academy in policy and service delivery, developed by the General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, within the framework of active and healthy ageing, are developing day by day.