01 November 2019, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

60 + Regeneration University Application Dissemination Meeting 75th Year Nursing Home Aged Care and Rehabilitation Center Was Held

"University of Renewal", old age has undergone a structural change and that a study on the experience of older individuals should be carried out. Stating that age will not interfere with education, Tufan said that it is possible to learn at any age and that it is possible to learn with the University of Renewal.

In the program of The University of Renewal, which is applied, theoretical courses are given in two ways electively and mandatory, internship application is available, and there is an obligation to continue the course.

Assoc.prof. Dr. Sevnaz SHAHIN gave a presentation on ege university regeneration university applications and gave information about the courses given within the scope of the application and the generalcurriculum. General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services, Uzm. Dr. Orhan KOÇ; The application mentioned in the country can be spread throughout the country with all stakeholders (MEB, Ministry of Health, YÖK, Ministry of Youth and Sports, etc.) together with the coordinationof our Ministry of Ministry should prepare a proto arm draft, as well as the elderly boarders of the Ministry of Education in relation to the application in order to receive services in theelderly boarding care facilities of the elderly of the elderly in this regard.

Orhan KOÇ said that there should be a promotion about the promotion of regeneration, and he stressed that older individuals should be informed about the university of renewal. He mentioned that information can be done through the provincial directorates of the ministry and cooperation can be done with non-governmental organizations in this process.