05 October 2021, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

2020 Old Age Population Statistics Bulletin Has Been Published

2020 Old Age Population Statistics Bulletin prepared by Directorate General of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly annually has been published on the website of directorate general.

 The increase of lifetime and decrease of fertility and death rate cause the rate of old age population in our country and in the world to increase.

The rate of population of persons aged 65 and older was 9,5% by the end of 2020 it is expected for it to reach 11% in 2025, 22,6% in 2060 and 25,6% in 2080. Similar to our country in the world it is estimated that 9,5% of the world population consist of elders in 2020. It proves that policies and services must be planned taking increasing old age population into consideration.

 In this context 2020 Old Age Population Statistics Bulletin including demographic data for old age population in our country and in the world has been prepared by our Directorate General. In the bulletin projections for old age populations, comparative analyses on yearly basis, data on social, economic, and state of health of old age population also take place. The bulletin including numeric data on care services provided at private nursing homes affiliated to our Ministry is prepared and published annually by our Ministry.