14 June 2024, Friday New York, USA

17th Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Held in New York

The 17th Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was held this year on June 11-13, 2024 with the main theme "Rethinking Disability Inclusion in the Current International Juncture and Ahead of the Summit of the Future". This year's Conference was attended by a delegation headed by Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services, Ms. Sevim Sayım MADAK, representing the country. A delegation headed by Ms. Sevim Sayım MADAK participated in this year's Conference.

Within the scope of the conference, three roundtables were organized under the sub-themes of "International cooperation to promote technology innovations and transfer for an inclusive future", "Persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies" and "Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to decent work and sustainable livelihood", where States Parties had the opportunity to share relevant developments and experiences.

Ms. SAYIM MADAK, Deputy Minister, presented the National Declaration in the plenary session and the developments in the country over the last year in the round table discussions. In the National Declaration, Ms. SAYIM MADAK condemned the Israeli attacks and commemorated the Palestinian citizens who suffered disabilities as a result of these attacks.

Ms. SAYIM MADAK, who also participated in the side events organized within the scope of the conference, made the opening speeches at the side event where the film 'Grains of Wheat', about the life of MP Mr. Serkan BAYRAM, was shown.

Having bilateral meetings with representatives from Djibouti, Finland, Poland, Ukraine and Poland, Deputy Minister Çavuşoğlu also met with Turkish citizens living in USA. In this context, both the families of persons with disabilities and Turkish civil society organizations operating in the US were visited.